This document is a customer information (“CI”) within the meaning of the German Securities Trading Act, the “CI” is addressed to natural persons and legal entities with their habitual residence or registered office in Germany and is used exclusively for informational purposes.
This “CI” cannot replace an individual investment- and investor-friendly advice and does not justify a contract or any other obligation. Furthermore, the contents do not constitute investment advice, an individual investment recommendation, an invitation to subscribe for securities or a declaration of intent or a request to conclude a contract for a transaction in financial instruments. Also, it was not written with the intention of providing legal or tax advice. The tax treatment of transactions depends on the personal circumstances of the respective customer and may be subject to future changes. The individual circumstances of the recipient (including the economic and financial situation) were not taken into account in the preparation of the “CI”.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Recommendations and forecasts are non-binding value judgments about future events and may therefore prove to be inaccurate with respect to the future development of a product. The listed information refers exclusively to the time of the creation of this “CI”, a guarantee for timeliness and continued correctness cannot be accepted. An investment in mentioned financial instruments / investment strategy / securities services involves certain product specific risks – e.g. Market or industry risks and risk in currency, default, liquidity, interest rate and credit – and is not suitable for all investors. Therefore, potential prospects should make an investment decision only after a detailed investment advisory session by a registered investment advisor and after consulting all available sources of information.
For further information, you will find the basic investor information (PRIIPs) and the securities prospectus here for free: https://www.hansainvest.com/deutsch/fondswelt/fondsdetails.html?fondsid=720.
The information will be made available to you in German. A summary of your investor rights in German can be found in digital form on the following website: https://www.hansainvest.com/deutsch/fondswelt/fondsdetails.html?fondsid=720.
In the event of any legal disputes, you will find an overview of all instruments of collective legal enforcement at national and EU level under the following hyperlink: https://www.hansainvest.de/unternehmen/compliance/zusammenfassung-der-anlegerrechte.
The management company of the advertised financial instrument may decide to cancel arrangements it has made for the distribution of the shares of the financial instrument or to revoke the distribution altogether. The purchase of fund shares constitutes the acquisition of shares in an investment fund, not in its assets. Fees and expenses paid by the Fund reduce the return on an investment. Certain securities and cash held by the Fund can be classified in GBP, SEK, DKK. Fluctuations in currency exchange rates may affect the return of an investment both positively and negatively.
The above content reflects only the opinions of the author, a change of opinion is possible at any time, without it being published. The present “CI” is protected by copyright, any duplication and commercial use are not permitted. Date: 15.10.2023
Hertford Capital GmbH, Herderstrasse 28, 12163 Berlin acts as a tied agent (section 3 (2) German Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz (WpIG) on behalf of, in the name of, for account and under the liability of the responsible legal entity BN & Partners Capital AG, Steinstrasse 33, 50374 Erftstadt. BN & Partners Capital AG has a corresponding license (section 15 WpIG) from the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) for the provision of investment advice in accordance with section 2 (2) no. 4 WpIG and investment brokerage according to section 2 (2) no. 3 WpIG.